Fake news, that runwalsoft sold to evisibility.com

I have seen around internet found that someone have published that Runwalsoft is being sold to evisiblity.com

This is all fake. there is no proof in this news. though evisibility out sourced their programming work to our company. But its all fake that runwalsoft is sold. He doesn’t have even legal document for it.

We are doing our business far more than 7 years. and I have seen all types of clients. one of the client which is evisiblity. who well know for delay in giving the payment to outsourced person. so we have clashed with them. after long gap he paid all our dues. but their was marginal loss in currency fluctuation.

Funds never got when it was needed. so he made all false publication all around the search engines.


Manish Runwal

CEO , Runwalsoft.com